Environmental protection

We take responsibility for our environment

As a society, it’s never been clearer to us how strongly we need a pristine environment and how important it is for us to protect it. Viessmann bears a special responsibility as a leading international manufacturer of energy systems. We act accordingly and allow ourselves to be measured by the promises we make. The most recent information about how we take responsibility for the environment can be found in our 2023 Viessmann Sustainability Report.

The image shows hands forming a heart in front of a tree.

Viessmann has been putting the concept of integrated environmental protection into practice for decades. Our entire value chain is geared towards it. Our brand values have served as the foundation for establishing an environmental policy for the company from which specific goals can be derived. Thanks to our environmental management system, we can realize this environmental policy and guarantee compliance with external and internal environmental standards.

We want to do more than just adhere to legal regulations and environmental protection requirements for companies. Our work thus focuses on continually improving our environmental management system. We ensure that living spaces remain worth living in for generations to come.

The principles of action of our environmental policy

The Viessmann Executive Board has defined binding principles of action for all employees.

The image shows a branch with leaves on which are drops of water.

We improve our environmental performance

The observance of all legal regulations is our minimum standard. In order to continuously improve environmental performance, we make use of the best technology available, as long as it is economically justifiable.

The image shows how children plant a plant.

We avoid polluting the environment

All of our activities, processes, operating resources, and our new products and services are checked for their environmental compatibility before they are used. We regularly assess the impacts on the environment and minimize them.

The image shows a clear drop of water on a leaf.

We conserve resources

We use raw materials in a resource-saving manner and employ energy as efficiently as possible. Unavoidable emissions and waste are reduced to a minimum.

We think in terms of life cycles

Is that sustainable? This is the question we ask ourselves right at the very beginning – from the development of our products to their production, use, and disposal. We make sure to conserve resources during production. Our heat generators excel during ongoing operations thanks to high thermal efficiency and durability. At the end of their technical service life, Viessmann products are professionally recycled and valuable raw materials are looped back into the production and reusable material cycle.

We participate in the take-back schemes required by law in each specific market to ensure the return of old appliances. Since 1995, we have also cooperated with a nationwide waste disposal service provider and offered our customers in Germany the voluntary take-back of waste. We recycle our packaging in accordance with the valid regulations in place in the local markets. In Germany, we are part of a solution which was brought into being by industry, trade, and crafts back in the early 1990s to take back and recycle packaging from the plumbing, heating, and climate sector.

We want to maximize the reduction of hazardous substances. To do this, we take a hard look at our processes and products on a constant basis and improve them. The relevant regulations on hazardous substances stipulate bans, restrictions, and limit values on substances with which all suppliers must fully comply. All deliveries and services must be provided taking these prohibitions into consideration. Further information for suppliers can be found  here.

The image shows employees during a presentation in the office

We keep environmental protection in mind in all processes

Our endeavors to continually improve environmental performance are reflected in both planning and administrative activities as well as in our range of services.

The picture shows Viessmann partners shaking hands

We involve suppliers and customers

Our contracting partners must apply the same environmental standards as our own employees.  

The image shows a pair of glasses with a view of the forest.

We are transparent

Regular close contact is maintained with stakeholders about Viessmann’s activities and environmental impacts.

The image shows grass with drops of water.

We keep environmental protection in mind in all processes

Our endeavors to continually improve environmental performance are reflected in both planning and administrative activities as well as in our range of services.

The image shows Viessmann employees at work.

We prevent operational interruptions

Appropriate preventive measures guarantee operational disruptions are largely avoided or that their environmental impacts are kept as low as possible.

The image shows a model of table tennis balls.

We review our actions on a regular basis

Compliance with our environmental policy is regularly checked and assessed.

Environmental policy

The Viessmann Executive Board has established the following binding principles of action for all employees.

We improve our environmental performance

We create living spaces for generations to come and in doing so, we continuously improve our environmental performance. In this context, we use the best available technology, taking into account economic viability. We assume compliance with all legal regulations as a minimum requirement.

All employees participate

All employees participate in the creation of living space for generations to come. For this reason, employees in all areas of the company are comprehensively informed, trained and included in the environmental protection concept.

We avoid environmental pollution

All our activities, processes, equipment, new products and services are tested for environmental compatibility before they are used. We regularly evaluate the effects on the environment and reduce them to a minimum wherever possible and economically justifiable.

We conserve resources

We use raw materials sparingly and energy as efficiently as possible. We reduce unavoidable emissions and waste to a minimum.

We consider environmental protection in all processes

Our efforts to continuously improve our environmental performance apply equally to planning and administrative activities and to our services.

We prevent operational disruptions

By means of suitable preventive measures, we avoid operational disruptions as far as possible or keep their effects on the environment as low as possible.

We regularly review our activities

We regularly monitor and evaluate compliance with our environmental policy.

We involve contractual partners and customers

Our contractors and suppliers must apply the same environmental standards as our own employees. Furthermore, we train our customers in the handling of our products and inform them about the relevant environmental aspects.

We are transparent

We are in regular dialogue with stakeholders about Viessmann's activities and environmental impact.    

Information as per REACH regulation

The EU regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) regulates the obligations of producers when placing substances, mixtures and products on the market. In addition to data acquisition and registration of substances, these include the transfer of information along the supply chain.

Special obligations apply when products are placed on the market that contain "Substances of Very High Concern" (SVHC). These are substances which, due to their hazardous properties, may be subject to authorisation after further examination by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and are included on the so-called "candidate list" (= candidate for the list of substances subject to authorisation according to Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation).

According to the information available from our suppliers, Viessmann products may contain the following SVHC:

Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres-High-temperature insulation (cords, mats, plates, moulded parts
Lead7439-92-1Modules/components with lead as alloy component togetherwith copper (brass), iron, aluminium  

Our products do not pose any hazards unusual to the product when used as intended, taking into account the safety instructions in the product information and implementing the usual hygiene measures (wearing personal protective equipment, washing hands, etc.).

The image shows the Viessmann Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainablility Report 2023

Within our 2023 Viessmann Sustainablility Report, we publish our science-based sustainability strategy towards becoming a net zero, circular business with a zero harm supply chain.

Read the complete report (pdf 8 MB)